Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Post

I have included all final drafts of my maps and my final poster presentation.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Almost Complete...

These are almost final! Please let me know of any last minute details that you would like to change. Also I have computed the distances between the parking points and the boat launch point. They are listed as fallows:

Distances between boat launch points:
Point #2 to Point #4: 1.97 Miles
Point #4 to Point #9: 1.75 Miles
Point #9 to Point #11: 3.73 Miles

Distances between parking points:
Point #2 to Point #9:
  • Route #1: 3.98 Miles
  • Route #2: 4.16 Miles
Point #9 to Point #10: 3.52 Miles
Point #10 to Point #11: 0.18 Miles
Point #11 to Point #12: 0.44 Miles

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Progress Progress Progress...

I have changed the label of Locks #6 - #10 to the Five Lock Combine and I have increased the size of the parking symobls for greater clairity. Currently, I am working on adding a legend, scale bar, north arrow, ect. A finished product of my maps should be completed by next week along with a draft of my poster presentation.