After meeting with Jeannie Williams this past week, many updates have been completed on my draft. May points have been added or deleted. Also, points have been edited for a more accurate placement.The map looks less clustered and labels have been bolded for clarity. I have again attached two maps, one with text labels and one with number labels. The legend for the numbers is listed below.
- Feeder Dam & Lock #14
- Overlook Park & Parking
- Haviland's Cove Park
- Murry Street Docks
- Cooper's Cave
- Finch Pruyn
- Hyde Collection
- Connection to Warren Co. Bike Trail
- Lime Kilns
- Murry Park
- Griffin Coal Silos
- Lock #13
- Locks #11 & #12
- Locks #6 - #10
- T-Bridge
- To Energy Park
- To McIntyre Park
Please take a look to make sure that all points are in the correct place. I am still not sure if Cooper's Cave and Finch Pruyn are in the correct places. Is there anything I left out?
Possible Additions:
- Addition of a different symbol for parking points on the map
- Addition of canoe, kayak, and fishing points
You have made a lot of progress! the addition of points with significance looks good and uncluttered. The idea to have different types of symbols for each location and is a very good idea that I would have recommended but you already did so yourself. I Will be looking forward to seeing the progression of your project because you seem to be on point and at a great pace.