Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Draft #2

After meeting with Jeannie Williams this past week, many updates have been completed on my draft. May points have been added or deleted. Also, points have been edited for a more accurate placement.The map looks less clustered and labels have been bolded for clarity. I have again attached two maps, one with text labels and one with number labels. The legend for the numbers is listed below.
  1. Feeder Dam & Lock #14
  2. Overlook Park & Parking
  3. Haviland's Cove Park
  4. Murry Street Docks
  5. Cooper's Cave
  6. Finch Pruyn
  7. Hyde Collection
  8. Connection to Warren Co. Bike Trail
  9. Lime Kilns
  10. Murry Park
  11. Griffin Coal Silos
  12. Lock #13
  13. Locks #11 & #12
  14. Locks #6 - #10
  15. T-Bridge
  16. To Energy Park
  17. To McIntyre Park
Please take a look to make sure that all points are in the correct place. I am still not sure if Cooper's Cave and Finch Pruyn are in the correct places. Is there anything I left out?

Possible Additions:
  • Addition of a different symbol for parking points on the map
  • Addition of canoe, kayak, and fishing points

1 comment:

  1. You have made a lot of progress! the addition of points with significance looks good and uncluttered. The idea to have different types of symbols for each location and is a very good idea that I would have recommended but you already did so yourself. I Will be looking forward to seeing the progression of your project because you seem to be on point and at a great pace.
